Is There Any Truth In Reports That High EPA Fish Oil May Help Mental Health Disorders?

The term “omega-3 fatty acids” generally refers to a group of 3 fatty acids. These are EPA, DHA, and ALS, all of which play an important role within the human body. Many of the articles one comes across on the internet mention that while humans need omega-3 for metabolism, our bodies cannot actually synthesize our own.Saying that we cannot synthesize omega-3 is correct, but our bodies do however have a limited ability to form EPA, DHA, and ALA. This applies to all mammals, and not just humans. Different mammals will acquire their omega-3 from various food sources, including foods like nuts, seeds, and etc.While humans can also get omega-3 from these foods, they are generally not considered to be a good source of fatty acids. For humans, certain types of cold water fish are by far the best source of these essential fatty acids. Unfortunately however, heavy metal contamination in the world’s oceans is causing a lot of people to question the safety of eating large amounts of fresh fish. This is essentially why people are turning to supplements.So, what is high EPA fish oil, and how is it different to any other regular type of fish oil? The only real difference is that this is fish oil which has been specifically selected for it high EPA content. The reason why there is a growing interest in this particular omega-3 fatty acid is that several studies suggest that it can be useful for treating certain mental health conditions, including schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, and even attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.A study carried out during 2004 showed that EPA can quite often reduce the severity of depression. Of even greater interest, is the fact that the study also found that EPA can effectively reduce suicidal behaviors/tendencies.To back up these finding, another study was carried out which involved taking blood samples from one hundred people who had attempted to commit suicide. Astonishingly enough, the researchers found that EPA levels were significantly lower than they are in the average, mentally stable person.In 2009, another such study found that depression symptoms were less severe in the volunteers who were given high EPA fish oil supplements, compared to those who were being given regular fish oil supplements. More recently, in 2011, a study concerning ADHD found that fish oil with a high concentration of EPA was “significantly” more effective than a placebo used in the study.The number of people being diagnosed with a mental disorder in increasing year on year, so I think we’ll see several more studies done in this field. At present, most mental disorders are treated by means of powerful prescription drugs, so the idea of being able to use fish oil instead, really is like a breath of fresh air.

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